Former FBI agent to talk cyber-crime at Trucking Australia conference

A former special agent for the FBI and the Defence Intelligence Agency has been confirmed a keynote speaker at Trucking Australia 23, to be held on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast in March.

Wed 04 Jan 23


Dr Dennis Desmond from the University of the Sunshine Coast will share his vast knowledge of cyber-crime with the Trucking Australia audience.

Dr Desmond has spent the majority of his career in the counter-intelligence discipline, first as a US Army special agent, later as an FBI special agent, and finally, as a special agent with the Defense Intelligence Agency.

He is a veteran of Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom IV, and V.

As an FBI special agent, Dr Desmond was assigned to the National Computer Crime Squad and specialised in international and state-sponsored cyber threats, especially those from Eastern Europe.

Trucking Australia registration for the conference at the Novetel Sunshine Coast Resort from March 29 to 31 is $850 (gst included). Accommodation is not included in the ticket price.

Registration includes two days conference access, welcome drinks, Daimler Truck Local Showcase Dinner and the ATA Foundations Sponsors Gala Awards Dinner.

All ticket enquiries to

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SOME of the brightest minds in forestry from Australia and New Zealand will come together in October to share knowledge on how to best manage both countries’ forests and the wide range of values they offer society.

Forestry Australia and the New Zealand Institute of Forestry launched the joint ANZIF 2023 Conference, which will be held from October 15 to 19 at the Twin Towns Conference Centre in Coolangatta.

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THE 6th European Biomass Trade and Power Summit will be staged in Copenhagen from February 7 to 8.

Attractive economics and spreads for wood pellet burn across Europe has boosted biomass demand, despite record high pellet prices. High power demand and a rebound in carbon prices has been the catalyst but a shortage of wood pellet supply will likely reduce industrial wood pellet consumption in Europe. Visit

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AN Australia timber supply crisis summit will be held in Melbourne on August 29 and 30, organised by Timber Forestry news.

Critical issues: a static softwood plantation resource decades of native forest lockups have decimated hardwood timber supply; a reducing hardwood plantation area; Australian construction and building industries increasingly at the mercy of timber imports; will major timber supplier Russia be off the table?

Presenters include global timber supply experts; timber supply forecasting authorities; international timber/EWP suppliers; Australian housing and construction demand forecasting experts; Australian federal and state politicians; Australian timber suppliers and timber traders

For all inquiries contact CORP COMM on +61 3 5977 0244. Email:


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