Kieran Hayes, a former Senior Technical Engineer at Xlam Australia, says that the Gottstein Trust Skills Development grant was instrumental in helping him learn more about the emerging Passiv Haus concept—an energy-efficient building standard developed in Germany—broadening his experience in structural engineering and mass timber.
“The grant opened exciting new horizons for my career, options that otherwise would have been a financial stretch,” he told Wood Central after spending two years working across various parts of the Xlam Australia business. Passiv Haus is a performance-based standard that dictates scientific targets rather than dictating specific materials or products.
The standard focuses on detailing the building envelope to cover five building science principles: airtightness, thermal insulation, mechanical ventilation heat recovery, high-performance windows, and thermal bridge-free construction.
Kieran, who is now based in Amsterdam after spending “a few months backpacking around Europe,” is ready to take on the world and told Wood Central that as a structural timber design engineer, “it is very important to understand acoustics, thermal insulation, fire, and service reticulation requirements, which are often integrated within mass timber structures.”
“After completing this course, I feel better equipped to convince clients, architects and engineers to pursue mass timber in their next project,” Kieran said. “Gottstein has allowed me to contribute to and support environmentally friendly housing solutions.
“I have thoroughly enjoyed the course and am very grateful for the support of the Gottstein Trust.
“I highly recommend the wonderful opportunities the trust offers by way of annual grants awarded through scholarships, fellowship and skills development.”
Kieran Hayes, Gottstein Skill Development Support grant recipient
The Gottstein deadline is fasting approaching!
The Gottstein Trust is accepting applications for its latest round of capacity-building grants. The three grant award categories offer opportunities for individuals associated with the Australian forestry products sector to enhance their skills and knowledge.
Applications close October 16, 2024, and applicants are encouraged to consider eligibility across all grant categories.
The Grant Categories
- The Skill Development Support grant has no prerequisites and is open to anyone who wants to build their skills, regardless of their level of work experience.
- The Gottstein Fellowship grant is designed for early to mid-career individuals who want to undertake a specific project that will benefit the industry.
- And finally, the scholarship grant is available for TAFE and University students.
The Gottstein Trust has already awarded over $1.4 million in grants to individuals, and every year, new opportunities arise for people and the industry to benefit.
According to Gottstein Trust Chair Suzette Weeding, past recipients of the grants have mentioned that the funding proved to be a turning point for their careers and lives: “For everyone, it’s a fantastic opportunity to pursue skills and knowledge that may boost their capacity and career progression,” Weeding added.
The Application Process
Eligibility criteria and online application forms can be found here. Inquiries about making an application are welcome – either call Helen Murray at 0419-991-424 or email the Gottstein Team.
You can jump straight online to lodge your application.
Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge in the forestry products sector. Lodge your application now!