Australian Forest Contractors Association to Restructure

Establishing two new positions to replace General Manager role

Wed 17 May 23


With a forward focus on the strategic opportunities and operational challenges for forest contracting businesses, peak body Australian Forest Contractors Association is restructuring.

“AFCA has experienced considerable growth in its membership base,” says chair Adan Taylor.

“To continue advocating on behalf of members to improve their business outcomes as well as the sustainability of our working forests the AFCA board is establishing two new positions that will replace the existing general manager role,” Mr Taylor said.

“In the first instance, leveraging the work of current GM Carlie Porteous, the new general manager, policy and engagement, will continue developing policies and strengthening relationships with state and federal ministers on matters of importance for AFCA members. This also includes key stakeholder engagement and partnerships with other industry bodies and associations.

“Secondly, reporting to the new general manager role, the manager, member services and programs will focus on the professional programs and training that AFCA provides for the benefit of its members. They will be responsible for the coordination and establishment of working groups that are addressing such issues as staff shortages, rising costs and contract fairness. Importantly they will also focus on delivering tangible value-add inclusions for members.

“We appreciate Carlie’s support during the recruitment process and transition period; and congratulate her on her new role as manager, Murray Region Forestry Hub and the Softwoods Working Group.”

Carlie will continue in her role until June 30, and then afterwards, provide strategic oversight for a day a week during the transition period to ‘bed in’ the new roles and ensure the new AFCA team engages successfully with members, sponsors and partners.

It has been a very busy year for AFCA. The organisation has experienced considerable growth in its membership base – 35% with minimal reduction in memberships (less than 4%). In addition, the profile of the business and its members has gone from strength to strength across all social media platforms, newsletter readership as well as strategic media alliances.  

Carlie Porteous has developed significant relationships with state and federal ministers and genuine engagement with other key stakeholders such as the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, ForestWorks, state departments, and the CFMEU to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes

It has been a challenging year for many AFCA members across many states. 

These challenges have included state government decisions around native forestry in Victoria and Western Australia, staff shortages across all membership types, inflation and rising costs and continuing contract fairness issues.


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