Wood Central Republishing Guidelines
Wood Central believe in the free flow of information. We encourage you to republish our articles for free, both online and in print. Thank you for helping us to inform the news! We only ask that you follow a few basic guidelines:
- Please do not edit our pieces other than making minor changes to adhere to your publication’s preferred style guide. Please ask for permission to make major changes, including changes to headlines or translations into other languages. Please address questions and requests to Jason Ross at news@woodcentral.com.au
- Please note that you’re not required to include the text of the subhead that appears below the headlines of our pieces. (But you’re welcome to include it if you wish!)
- If you republish one of our pieces online, please link back to the original piece and include all hyperlinks from the original piece.
- Please include the author’s byline and an attribution line mentioning that the article was originally published on a Wood Central platform. If you’re republishing this piece on a website, please include a link to the original piece in the attribution line. We prefer the byline to include the name of our publication — e.g. “By Jim Bowden, Wood Central.”
- You do not have permission to sell our material separately. For example, you may not print out articles and sell them as individual entities. But you may publish our articles on websites that require paywall access or on pages with advertisements.
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For further information about republishing please direct all enquires to the Publisher, jason@woodcentral.com.au