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Our Contributors

Authors List


  • Alastair Woodard

    Dr Alastair Woodard is a director of Technical Promotion & Consulting Solutions (Aust) Pty Ltd, a consultancy specialising in advice on the use and impact of building and construction materials. He has over thirty years of experience as a professional consulting structural engineer, a university lecturer whilst undertaking a PhD in engineering, and in a range of senior roles with building industry associations including his current role as General Manager of Wood Products Victoria and Victorian Wood Solutions Program manager.

  • Alex V Wysocki

    Alex V Wysocki is Founder and CEO of Linkiwood - an association of innovators in the wood industry Alex provides Wood Central contributions focused on innovation.

  • Andrew Dunn

    Andrew Dunn is the CEO, of the Timber Development Association (TDA). The TDA is an industry-funded association representing all segments of the timber industry, from forestry, manufacture to supply. Andrew is regarded as one of Australia's foremost experts on Engineered Wood Products (Mass Timber) and is conference convenor of both the Australian Timber Design Awards and the Timber Off-Site Construction conference.

  • Boris Iskra

    Boris is responsible for managing FWPA’s activities in building codes and material standards. Boris has had more than 24 years of direct involvement in the Australian forest and wood products sector and holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Structural) degree and a Graduate Diploma in Building Fire Safety and Risk Engineering.

  • Chris McEvoy

    Chris McEvoy is the Director of Sales for Radial Timber. A Victorian based company that grows, mills and distributes a range of unique and standard products from durable and sustainable Victorian Hardwoods. We specialize in Timber Decking, Screenboards, External Cladding, Internal Lining and Natural Edge Weatherboards.

  • Christine Briggs

    Christine Briggs is a Director / B2B marketing strategist; helping organisations connect their brands & culture for optimal value. The former National Marketing Manager for AKD Softwoods - Australia's largest softwood producer, Ms Briggs was previously General Manager of Marketing and Business Development for Timberlink. A former Director of Forest Wood Products Australia, Ms Briggs is a current board member of both Responsible Wood (Australia's largest forest certification scheme) and the $100m Australian Forest and Wood Innovation (AFWI) research institute - which comprises the University of Tasmania, the University of Melbourne and University of the Sunshine Coast.

  • Clarissa Brandt

    Clarissa Brandt is the Strategic Relations and Communications Manager for Timber Queensland.

  • Daniel Wright

    Director & National Business Development Manager at Australian Sustainable Hardwoods (ASH)

  • David Quill

    David Quill is a noted forester and CEO of the South Australian Timber Processors Association

  • Deb Kerr

    Deborah Kerr is the CEO of the Victorian Forest Products Association.

  • Dr Gary Bacon

    Dr Gary Bacon, AM, BSc (For) Hon, PhD, FIFA, respected professional forester. Adjunct Professor at Griffith University and former CEO Queensland Forestry.

  • Dr Michelle Freeman

    Dr Freeman is the President of Forestry Australia. She has a double degree in Science (Ecology) and Forestry, and a PhD from the University of Melbourne. Her PhD was in partnership with CSIRO Darwin looking at savanna fire and tree dynamics of northern Australia, as part of the Tiwi Carbon Study. She has worked in timber harvesting operations, planning and regulation in Victoria and is currently a Senior Planner at Forestry Corporation on the south coast of New South Wales. Michelle was on the Board of the IFA from 2012 – 2014 and chaired the Future Foresters Initiative from 2015 – 2017. From 2014 – 2017 she was an Independent Council Member on the Federal Governments’ Forest Industry Advisory Council and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of company Directors.

  • Gavin Butcher

    Gavin Butcher is a former director at the WA Forest Products Commission. With a career in plantation and native forest management spanning more than 25 years, he is a specialist in the strategic, analytical and financial fields of forestry management. Mr Butcher holds a Bachelor of Science in Forestry and has lectured at Edith Cowan University.

  • George Tzintzis

    George Tzintzis is the Editor in Chief of VoPP Mag. The magazine is a marketing publication, designed and tailored for marketers, creative agencies, media buyers and printers. VoPP Mag raises awareness of the power of paper and the effectiveness of a print campaign in today’s noisy communications world. If you love the content, please visit VoPP Mag and support the platform.

  • Gerry Gardiner

    Gerry Gardiner is chairman of the Timber Preservers Association of Australia which represents the nation's wood protection industry and is allied with international timber treaters, preservative suppliers, research organisations and individuals and bodies that have an interests in the production and use of preserved timber

  • Gordon Wilson

    Gordon Wilson is a freelance political journalist who writes often in Australian Rural and Regional News.

  • Greg Abell

    Greg Abell is a sports fanatic obsessed with origins of timber in sport. He writes a column, 'Sports: Wooden you know it' exclusively for Wood Central

  • Hakan Ekstrom

    Hakan Ekstrom represents Seattle, USA-based Wood Resources Quarterly. WRI is the publisher of Wood Resource Quarterly, a market report that tracks log, wood chip, lumber and pellet prices on a global basis

  • Jack Bradshaw

    Jack Bradshaw, previously the Manager for the Forest Management Branch at the Western Australia Department of Conservation and Land Management, played a crucial role in shaping the State's Regional Forest Agreement from 1993 onwards.

  • Jack Norton

    Jack Norton is national secretary of the Timber Preservers Association of Australia, the peak body for the timber preservation sector across all states. It administers national standards and has a plant registration database Queensland.

  • Jack Rodden-Green

    Jack Rodden-Green, with 30 years of experience as a forester in New South Wales, combines a deep understanding of forestry with legal training to address social and environmental issues.

  • Jason Ross

    Jason Ross, publisher, is a 15-year professional in building and construction, connecting with more than 400 specifiers. A Gottstein Fellowship recipient, he is passionate about growing the market for wood-based information. Jason is Wood Central's in-house emcee and is available for corporate host and MC services.

  • Jerry Tyrrell

    Jerry Tyrrell is an Australian expert on building defects, dedicated to improving building quality and preventing industry problems. He founded the Institute of Building Consultants, initiated rules for property inspections, and led the movement to make the National Construction Code free. He is the founder of Toolsâ„¢, a digital platform for essential construction knowledge.

  • Jim Bowden

    Jim Bowden, senior editor and co-publisher of Wood Central. Jim brings 50-plus years’ experience in agriculture and timber journalism. Since he founded Australian Timberman in 1977, he has been devoted to the forest industry – with a passion.

  • Joel Fitzgibbon

    Joel Fitzgibbon is the Chair of Australian Forest Products Association - the peak body for the country's forest products industry. A former Minister and Shadow Minister for Agriculture (which included the Forestry portfolio), he was the inaugural co-chair of the federal parliament’s Friends of Forest Industries Group.

  • John Cameron

    John Cameron, forestry and business consultant with positions in general management, corporate development and research in forestry and forest products.

  • John Turnbull

    John Turnbull has a forestry degree from University of Wales; PhD (Forest Genetics) from the Australian National University and 44 years of experience in forestry and forest research internationally. He was senior principal research scientist at CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products and Forestry Program Coordinator (Asia/Africa) at the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. He retired as chief scientist of the Centre for International Forestry Research in Indonesia in 1999 and returned to CSIRO as an honorary research fellow until 2003. A recipient of the inaugural Queen’s Award for Forestry in 1988 recognised his contributions to forestry across the commonwealth.

  • Justin Law

    Justin Law is managing director of Forest and Wood Communities Australia. He is an experienced communications professional with a combined 30 years of communications, journalism and marketing experience.

  • Ken Hickson

    Ken Hickson is a journalist/editor/author with 60 years' experience in Media in Asia Pacific, with a strong focus on sustainable forestry, mass engineered timber, and drawing attention to deforestation, illegal logging, and out of control forest fires. He is also a Wood Central Southeast Asia contributor.

  • Kiarne Treacy

    Kiarne Treacy is the Founder and CEO of Sustainable Choice, a digital platform where brands can publish their environmental actions and impact with full transparency, to help consumers make more informed sustainable choices.

  • Lilian Bernhardt

    Lilian Bernhardt is a freelance writer and journalist based in Australia. She is a contributor for VoPP Mag. The magazine is a marketing publication, designed and tailored for marketers, creative agencies, media buyers and printers. VoPP Mag raises awareness of the power of paper and the effectiveness of a print campaign in today’s noisy communications world. If you love the content, please visit VoPP Mag and support the platform.

  • Maree McCaskill

    Maree McCaskill, is the CEO of Timber NSW. Maree has considerable experience in managing peak industry bodies and member organisations, representing members at state and federal levels.

  • Mark Thomson

    Mark Thomson, eco-architect, is a regular judge at the World Architecture Festival, the Australian Banksia Sustainability Awards and is a director of Responsible Wood and Micah Projects. He is co-author of The Environmental Brief: Pathways to Green Design.

  • Mick Stephens

    Mick Stephens, CEO, Timber Queensland. Resource economist and executive leader, former Deputy CEO, Australian Forest Products Association.

  • Nick Steel

    Nick Steel is Chief Executive Officer of the Tasmanian Forest Products Association. Nick’s previous role with the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association, as deputy CEO, provided him with long-term experience within a membership-based organisation in dealing with land and resource use issues. He has qualifications in biosecurity, banking & finance, and farm management.

  • Orson Whiels

    Orson Whiels has been a motoring writer for many years and was motoring writer at Queensland Country life in the 1960s-70s and then motoring editor at Australian Timberman.)

  • Richard McCarthy

    Richard (Dick) McCarthy is a highly experienced operational forester with postgraduate qualifications in forest management. His many years of experience, especially PNG-Dept of Forests, PNG Forest Industries Association and Australia as operations manager APM Forests-AMCOR in forest management and plantation development in the public and private forestry sectors, in both temperate and tropical forestry is recognized globally.

  • Rob Youl

    Rob Youl, OAM, RFD, is deputy chair of Global Landcare, a retired forester and Landcare worker with extensive Victorian bushland properties under Trust for Nature covenants.

  • Roger Underwood

    Roger Underwood is a former district and regional forest manager in Western Australia and a specialist in bushfire operations, policy and history. He was for 20 years the chairman of the Bushfire Front, an organisation dedicated to minimising bushfire damage in Western Australia.

  • Sarah Day

    Sarah leads FSC Australia and New Zealand’s Marketing and Communications, seeking out creative and innovative ways to bring our company voice and vision to life. Tailoring FSC's company purpose to Australian and New Zealand audiences is Sarah's initiative, focussing primarily on expanding FSC ANZ's reach by building collaborative marketing campaigns with stakeholders and creating engaging social media content that speaks to the FSC mission of Forests for All, Forever.

  • Sorelle Henricus
  • Swapan Chaudhuri

    Swapan Chaudhuri, CEO of Deeplai - a tech-start up that has developed a scalable solution using AI technologies that analyses the visual data i.e. individual characteristics of the cut tree, such as the grain pattern, for classification, and thus identifying their physical characteristics. This real-time technology and algorithm make it possible to catalogue and localise every tree felled.

  • Ted Stubbersfield

    Ted Stubbersfield, principal of Deckwood, is based at Gatton in Queensland’s Lockyer Valley. He an international external timber design specialist with more than 40 years’ experience. Ted designs weather-exposed timber structures such as decks, boardwalks and bridges that age gracefully, requires a depth of knowledge and breadth of experience that, internationally, only a few timber design professionals possess.

  • Vic Jurskis

    Vic Jurskis, noted ecologist and former senior forester at the NSW Forestry Commission.

  • Wikkie Netten

    Wikkie Netten is the APAC Marketing Manager for PEFC, a leading global alliance promoting sustainable forest management and transparent and traceable supply chains through certification. Her work is focused on developing regional partnerships, engage with the private sector and assisting businesses who choose to use materials obtained from forests in a sustainable way in the future.

  • Wood Central

    Wood Central is Australia’s first and only dedicated platform covering wood-based media across all digital platforms. Our vision is to develop an integrated platform for media, events, education, and products that connect, inform, and inspire the people and organisations who work in and promote forestry, timber, and fibre.