Wood You Like to Know… More?

More than 200 attend in person or online in one of largest gatherings of the wood sector since the Covid-19 pandemic.

Wed 12 Apr 23


At the close of the successful Wood You Like to Know conference in Brisbane, Managing Director Jason O’Hagan announced others would roll out across Australia, supporting events now held in Brisbane and Melbourne.

More than 200 professionals took part in the Brisbane event in person and by live-stream, one of the biggest gatherings of the wood sector since the Covid-19 pandemic.

Speakers and delegates were high in their praise of the “content, delivery and passion” on show throughout the day.

“This was a very timely reminder that forest and timber product certification isn’t the end of the story,” said delegate Cameron Jones, NSW and Queensland Development Manager for Carter Hold Harvey Plywood. He praised the “extremely good” presentations from everybody.

“All speakers pointed out the growing need in ‘specification land’ to have the best credentials for the ‘building’ challenge – life cycle assessment, carbon, the National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS), Environmental Product Declaration (EPDs), Green Star and health,” Mr Jones said.

“These are becoming increasingly important not only in domestic construction but in the whole built environment.

“I took a lot away from the day and have started discussions within our organisation.”

Speaker David Rowlinson, Make It Wood Campaign Manager at Planet Ark, introduced an important conversation around the circular economy and timber’s role in the carbon solution.

“The profound single message at the conference was renewables store carbon. They are good for our health and our wellbeing so what could be better than that?”

James Treble, noted interior designer and TV personality, said it was exciting to be at the conference to present and learn at the same time.

Beth Welden, Program Manager for FWPA’s Forest Learning Education Program, enjoyed the chance to at last come face to face with industry friends after Covid.

“The conference was professional, educational and entertaining,” she said.

Wattyl’s ANZ Business Manager Steve Gibson said the conference was a great way to spend time with speakers who knew what they were talking about and who were at the cutting edge of their game.

Opening conference speaker Yvonne Pengilly, former Queensland Building and Construction Commission Deputy Commissioner and Building and Construction representative on the Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland, focused on concerns over non-confirming and non-compliant building products.

A director of Cairns-based Myown Constructions, she provided examples of how timber has been successfully integrated into her own developments, which include many projects across southeast and far north Queensland.

Throughout conference presentations, delegates were reminded it was equally and importantly the responsibility of builders and clients to ensure that the guidance and design of the professional engineer is followed. Without this collaboration and teamwork, the process will possibly fail.

“Short cuts and substitution without full consideration, analysis and agreement by all members of the construction and design process will ultimately lead to a lesser product and impact on the built product,” Ms Pengilly said.

“Government legislation can provide all the enablers, guages and regulatory oversight. However, it is the commitment of individuals engaged in the building and construction industry who will drive change to ensure better quality and compliance.

According to Ms Pengilly: “It is your state, your country and your commitment and the right individual actions which will ensure a change for the better and enjoyment of working in the industry.”

Jason Ross, ‘resident emcee’ at the Wood You Like to Know conferences,  praised the sound and camera technicians who kept pace through a busy program.

“Along with Weathertex’s marketing team, they delivered a smooth and smart behind-the scenes PR performance,” said Mr Ross, who is also Publisher of Wood Central.

Conference speaker Yvonne Pingelly, Director of Cairns-based Myown Constructions (second from left) with Jonathan Tibbits, Marketing and Communications, Responsible Wood, Mick Stephens, CEO, Timber Queensland, Beth Welden, Program Manager, FWPA's ForestLearning education program, and Katie Fowden, Strategic Relations Manager, Hyne Timber.
Conference speaker Yvonne Pingelly, Director of Cairns-based Myown Constructions (second from left) with Jonathan Tibbits, Marketing and Communications, Responsible Wood, Mick Stephens, CEO, Timber Queensland, Beth Welden, Program Manager, FWPA’s ForestLearning education program, and Katie Fowden, Strategic Relations Manager, Hyne Timber.


  • Jim Bowden

    Jim Bowden, senior editor and co-publisher of Wood Central. Jim brings 50-plus years’ experience in agriculture and timber journalism. Since he founded Australian Timberman in 1977, he has been devoted to the forest industry – with a passion.


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